Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a camara hog.

Seriously. Could my kid be ANY cuter? I think not.

What he could be is more cooperative. The only reason I have this lovely shot is because our stubborn little man refused to move for hours on end today, so I had to go in for some extra monitoring at Labor and Delivery.

I hadn’t felt him move in about 6 hours, which is highly unusual for him. Even on days I complain he’s having a slow day, I can generally get him going after an hour or two. And he’s really responsive to cold and sugar. But today, NOTHING worked. So finally after spending hours playing the clock game (“Ok, if he doesn’t move by 8:25, I’m calling….if he doesn’t move by 9:15, I’m calling….”) I finally called the OB. I was fully expecting her to tell me I was crazy and to relax. Because, really, who are we kidding? I AM crazy. And I DO need to relax.

But, alas, she had me head in for a non-stress test. It started off badly…took over 10 minutes to find his HB. In all honesty, though, I never panicked once. But we finally got the heartbeat on the monitor and it was nice and strong. I laid there for about an hour and they were ready to release me when the nurse noticed that I hadn’t had any movement during that time, so she brought out the buzzer to see if we could get him going. No dice. His heart rate perked up some w/ the buzzer, but still no movement. And then he started having some heart decals—it’s scary when you see the heart rate drop under 100. VERY scary. So with that, I was off to ultrasound.

I walked down to ultrasound and they hooked me right up. I had a nice conversation with the ultrasound tech and she spent just a minute or two watching him for movement. And she explained that they needed to get pictures of him moving for my OB to look at. Of course, right then he perked right up and started moving. His heart rate stayed steady at between 140 and 150. Naturally. He scored an 8 out 8 on the ultrasound so he was perfectly healthy and I was sent home. Since then, he’s been a bouncy little boy.

I swear, this little boy would do anything to be on camera. What a drama....king? I don't know, but this kid is killing me. But I was glad that the lack of movement was confirmed in L&D so at least I’m not the crazy mom. And I’m sooooooo happy he’s fine.

He may be a problem child, but at least he's a cute one!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hello baby!

29 week shot:

Compare to 23 weeks:


Also, isn't my hair much better? I like it!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just a quick pointer

If you're not sure whether you should use "me" or "I", take out the other person and see what makes sense.
For example:
"Here is a picture of DH and I on our honeymoon." WRONG. Why? Because you wouldn't say "Here is a picture of I on our honeymoon."

And for the love of GOD, there is no such word as "I's". So, if you ever feel the need to use that word, try "mine" or "my" instead. I promise, it'll be the right choice. I promise.

And if you follow this simple rule, you keep a pregnant girl's blood pressure from mounting.
That is all.