Friday, September 26, 2008

Big Sigh (Relief)

I have to say, it really sucks that they can't figure out what's wrong. But at least my doctor is really good about seeing me when I need to be seen.

The HG and I made an emergency trip to the OB this afternoon. After a very scary afternoon yesterday, I called the OB this morning and they wanted me in right away. Which, frankly, is easier said than done.

I was in the car on the way to a work meeting when the nurse called me back. It was a non-optional meeting. That was at 11am. We agreed I'd come in a 1pm. So my morning looked something like this:

11-11:30 Rush meeting with customer (hurry! stop talking! I have places to be.....)
11:30-11:45 Run to DD to feed my aching belly. Oh, so hungry. Also, change out of suit coat into sweater
11:45-12:05 Rush, rush, rush back to the office to tell them what's going on
12:05-12:10 Look frantically for someone to talk to. Damn this "lunch hour" thing.
12:10-12:11 Confess to boss that I'm pregnant. Went well. "Hi, I'm pregnant and my OB needs to see me ASAP." Blessesdly, my boss is a man and wasn't going to ask. I should have just told him it was that time of the month.
12:12-12:29 Fight traffic and torrential downpours to pick up the HG (hey, I'm not going through this alone) at work
12:30-12:55 Fight more traffic and rain to get to the hosptial
12:55-12:55:30 Change out of dress pants into jeans in the parking lot (hi, I soooo need to stop trying to wear my "regular clothes")
12:55:30-12:59 Navigate 3 foot deep puddles, some girl from the psych ward on her weekend pass, and broken elevators to get to the office on time
12:59-1:55 Wait in doctors office for my turn

Good times.

But finally the nurse came in and said she'd try to get the heartbeat on the little office ultrasound. "However," she said, "you're a big girl, so we'll see if I can get it." Hi, yeah, I prefer the term "fatty" thank you very much. Anyway. She also said that if she couldn't get the heartbeat, it didn't mean anything. We'd just be in "limbo" until I could get in for a real ultrasound on Monday. Now, to a normal person, this is a reasonable suggestion. I, however, am NOT a normal person. The prospect of having to wait all weekend for an answer was not a pleasant one.

But I didn't have to wait. After helpfully pushing my fat out of the way ("you hold your tummy out of the way, please" this nurse and I are gonna fight!), the nurse was able to find the heartbeat on the ultrasound right away.

And as a bonus, she set me up for what she called a "Maternal Reassurance Check" on Wednesday. In other words, they'll let the crazy pregnant chick come back on Wednesday to check for a heartbeat again.

I'm feeling much better today! MUCH better!

1 comment:

tucker100 said...

Don't worry about the rude nurse..Just remember you are not there to make friends with her. You, and the HG, are there with and for "poppy"! And that's all that matters.
Glad to hear that "poppy" is alright!