Saturday, August 23, 2008

OH, did I mention?

In addition to a new poppy, we're buying a house. The HG and I are on a life changing roll!

Check out the pictures of our new pad.
Fancy, huh? Ok, not so fancy, but perfect for us and our new little family!

We close September 30th and barring a total collapse of the mortgage industry, we should be good to go! And frankly, if the entire mortgage industry collapses, well, not getting our house is really the least of our worries. Just sayin. (Note to Freddie and Fannie--hang in there! You can do it! Do they have progesterone for mortgage lenders???)

So many happy changes make me nervous. I know, I need to focus on the positive, not the negative. I know that. But still, after many false starts, it's hard to believe this is really happening. This is the third house we've tried to buy. We lost the first 2 after inspection. Apparently a cracked foundation and bad electrical="move in ready!". I suppose if you want your house to collapse in a fiery mess, that's not so bad. The HG and I are more high maintenance than that. You know, we have this thing about safety. Crazy kids.

Now that the house and the baby are happening, I'm just nervous. I'm not sure how to handle all this good news. And does good news get balanced with bad news? I mean, I also recently got a raise and a promotion. Is this too good for one person? The paranoid crazy bitch in me is spinning out of control. Is it fair for me to get what I want in such a short period of time? Is it a disaster waiting to happen?

For the record, I am unbelievably happy about this pregnancy, the new house, and the job. I feel so incredibly blessed right now. The HG and I have been blessed beyond my wildest expectations. But I guess I don't know how to NOT worry. For years I've worried for the 2 weeks after I O'd...would **this** be our cycle? And then it wasn't. And I'd spend the next 2 weeks worrying about when I'd O, what was wrong with me, would it ever happen... The worry was never ending. And then, it finally WAS our cycle. And it ended before I had a chance to enjoy it. So I think it's just so normal for me to worry, I don't know how not to.

But I'm working on it. I repeat 1st Samuel 1:27 to myself all the time: I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. (NIV) It's become my mantra. So much so that I want to name the baby Sam--Samantha or Samuel. And I'm going to stencil it in the nursery. I cannot express how blessed I feel. I just wish my joy could over come the worry. With every passing day, it gets a little better. My mother says it will never end. you suppose the Donster still worries about me? I hope so. Mom, if you're reading this, hi, can you worry about this one for me? It's exhausting. Plus, I have to save up my worry. This little poppy is going to need me to screw him up once he's here...I mean, I didn't send my RE to Aruba, I'm going to have to do my part to keep the medical community in vacations, so it's only fair that I make sure my kids need years and years of therapy. And if I keep up this whole worry thing, I'm going to be wicked successful. (note to therapists: you're welcome.)

Oh! There's a thought. I can't give my worry to my mom...but I'm sure I can give it to God. He can have it. He's like, WAY bigger than me. Despite my big swimmer's shoulders (and occasional fashion faux pas with shoulder pads...), my shoulders simply can't handle all the worry. And His are specifically designed to handle my worries. So I'm over it.

For now.

But, despite my fears, I'm loving this pregnancy thing.
Me to HG: "I'm thirsty"
HG: "Oh yeah?"
Me: "Yeah."
HG: "Juice?"
Me:"Yes please."
Ahhhhh. I can finally be waited on. Next time I'm gonna test the waters on having him run to the store of something we don't guava nectar and lobster.
Bwah hahaha.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think you are on the right track! Let God handle all the worry and you just enjoy the ride. Pregnancy is a spectacular thing so enjoy every minute. It really does go by so fast.