Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm so old.

I hope I'm just old.
If not, I'm an idiot.

I think I'm the last person on earth who cannot figure out Facebook. I just spent the last45 minutes searching for people I know. Or rather, knew. I suppose if I still knew them, I wouldn't have to spend 45 minutes looking for them on Facebook. But let's not nitpick. You'd think that in 45 minutes, I'd find someone. Or at least figure out how to narrow a search down from, oh say the 5000 hits I got on one name, to something usable. But you'd be wrong.

In the interests of not embarrassing myself for the person I was looking up, let's just say that some names are entirely too common. How the heck does anyone find anyone on Facebook? You hear stories all the time (um, perhaps I'm the only one who hears them...I also hear voices...so maybe don't judge this by me) of how people connected with old friends on Facebook. HOW? I just want to know. I mean, perhaps if your best friend from elementary school was Penelope Dorothy Nicademous you'd be able to find her. But say her name is Sarah Smith. Don't hold your breath. Unless you're not me. In which case, please send Sarah my love. Because you will certainly find her.

Ok, so while I was searching for people who don't want to be found by me (I hate you all. And don't need you. So there.) I decided to try to figure out how my wall works. And what, exactly are the gifts I keep getting. Frankly, I can't figure it out. I really can't. I do, however know why high school kids all over the place aren't getting their homework done. They're busy planting facebook trees (or whatever) and cropping out shots of beer cans in their profile pictures. And it's fine. Really, it doesn't often bother me that I can't figure these things out.

But, um. Just like high school I haven't been nominated for any superlatives. And I'm still hurt.

And in other news, Poppy and I had a doctor's appointment today. Where there has been further proof that the Poppy is doing whatever she can to give me a run for my money for the next 5 months.

We'll start with the good news. Poppy has a strong heartbeat of 150ish BPM. At 16 weeks, they expect the heartbeat to be anywhere between 120 and 180 BPM. I love that Poppy managed to find the number smack in the middle. Average in pregnancy makes me very happy. How can you complain about that?

Also, despite being a bottomless pit for the past 4 weeks, and bracing myself to be yelled at for my weight gain, I only gained ONE pound since my last appointment. Turns out I can't button anything because I'm pregnant. Not just because I'm fat. Who knew?

And finally, my uterus is right where it should be right now. And in the best news EVER, it's right where I've been feeling some flutteries. I'm not sure if it's wishful thinking or if it's real, but how exciting that it could be my little poppy moving around in there! She's really making herself at home. Which is what we're going for. Move on in Poppy. Hang some pictures. Get to know your neighbors (please don't get too friendly with Mr. Bladder....mommy spends too much time in the bathroom as it is). I'll eat more pizza as a welcome to the neighborhood gift if it makes you happy. In a few months, you can come out and play. When it's warmer. Just skip the winter. Spring is a lovely time to born.

So that's the good news. The not so good news is that I have the worst carpel tunnel known to man. My OB said "Oh, that's not good!" She seemed very, very concerned about it. Enough to briefly panic me until she said "Oh, not that it's a problem for the baby! It'll just get worse and you have 24 weeks to go. Your third trimester is going to be difficult." Gee. Thanks for the pep talk. So I'm off to see my PCP on Wednesday for a referral to a specialist. Apparently it is not normal to have to sleep sitting up with your arms propped up on pillows so your arms don't feel like someone is stabbing them with a hot knife. Who knew?

And she geared me up for the really bad news. She is pretty sure that at some point, I'll end up on insulin. I'm hoping that'll be later, rather than sooner. But at 16w, that is NOT a conversation you want to have with your doctor. I want to keep Poppy as safe as possible for as long as possible. And I hate the idea that my body might betray me. Again. But at least we know early and can keep an eye on everything. And hey, I'm really good at giving myself shots.

Oh oh! And my blood pressure was superfly low! The lowest it's been all pregnancy! Whoo hooo!!! Pre-Eclampsia scares me so every week my BP stays low is a happy week indeed.

And quickly. One more thing I don't understand. If the secret service is going to give someone a code name, and that code name is made public, doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of using a code name in the first place? Just wondering.
I wonder if Renegade has a Facebook page. Probably. Such a "man of the people" (insert gag here)


Anonymous said...

I'll help you with Facebook. IM me, once you get the general idea of what's BS and what is real, it's much better than myspace. Really, it just takes time.

And about the code names? I thought the SAME thing!!!

Anonymous said...

PS: LOVE the new layout.

Anonymous said...

ditto what zuk said about the layout. So totally fitting to be pink! (we all know poppy is pink)
