Friday, January 30, 2009

Wife Swap

"I'm guessing no advanced degrees here."
"Paintball guns! A very primitive way to resolve disputes"
"These are humble houses."
and perhaps my favorite
"I guess they don't have a cleaning lady!"

Just some quotes from the worst offender on my snob-o-meter ever.

We all know I love really bad TV. Reality TV was created exclusively for me, I think. It's brainless and wonderful to have in the background while I'm blogging, emailing, IMing, chatting or otherwise playing on the Internet. Which, sadly, I'm sure I do faarrrr too much. However, I had a bad day and am now required to sit on my couch with my feet up. More on this in a moment.

But right now, I'm watching Wife Swap and one of the women quite honestly thinks she's better than, oh, everyone. I'm not even making this up. I'm pretty sure actually said she thinks she's better than everyone. Her husband said to the "swapping wife" when she accused him of thinking he was better than her: "I probably make more in a week than you make all year." Apparently money is the measure of a man. I actually know someone who truly believes that and lives his life that way. Very very sad.

Here's the thing, I'm a self-professed snob. I really am. I think there are some things that are just no brainers and not that hard to do. Like, clean your house. Have standards for behavior in public (for example, farting at the dinner table? Unacceptable.) Have respect for yourself and others. And if you're not going to do that, I mean, you're kind of asking to be judged.

That last one is key. Yes, oh, wife swap snotty wife, you have to have respect for OTHERS. As far as I'm concerned, your open disdain for this other family shows you have no respect for them. And that is T to the rashy: TRASHY. So there. Someday you'll fall off your high horse.

Also, can I point out that you're on a reality TV show? Not exactly the pinnacle of class. Just sayin.

(If you're interested, check out Long/Stephens-Fowler episode on the Wife Swap website

Why am I sitting on the couch with my feet up? I'll 'splain.

Today wasn't the best day ever. I woke up sick. Sore throat and congested chest. After not sleeping well because of the carpal tunnel and sickness, I had to go to a customer meeting. Now, in all fairness, I do happen to really like the customer I had to go visit, but the visits are exhausting. I have to get dressed up, fight traffic, find parking (which, is really quite difficult in the Boston area), navigate snow covered streets in heels while carrying a heavy laptop bag. You see where I'm going with this. After the visit, I had to go into the office where I was confronted with not one, not two, not three, but four, yes FOUR nasty emails. Four wouldn't seem terrible, but I had checked my email only 2 hours before. So that's 4 in 2 hours. Oh, and my blood sugar after lunch was well over the 120 limit. And I had a grilled chicken salad w/ low fat/carb dressing. If that's going to send by blood sugar soaring, why even bother? (I had ice cream for dinner.)

And then to top it all off, I started spotting again.
I don't need this.

I called the doctor and she said that since I have an ultrasound and appointment scheduled for Tuesday, she'd rather just have me keep my feet up and relax this weekend. Since little man is playing punching bags with my bladder and colon, there doesn't appear to be a reason to worry right now. Easier said than done, doc. But I'll give it a whirl. I'm to call if it gets worse or if I have more contractions than usual or any pain. And she'll see me on Tuesday.
Is it Tuesday yet?

I also turned off Wife Swap. I suspect it was going to start to raise my blood pressure.

What Not to Wear is a much happier show. I don't need negativity in my life. What I do need is a new wardrobe (pssst: Stacey, Clinton, call me!).

1 comment:

tucker100 said...

Not a fan of the reality tv but it is always a good laugh. How desperate are these people that they have to stoop that low to put drama in there lives?
Anyway one bad day isn't bad just hang in there and know you are getting one day closer to the big (little) prize.