Monday, August 25, 2008

Wait, don't I get 12 years?

Seriously. I thought your children weren't supposed to give you sleepless nights until they were almost teenagers.

This one has only been around for like 12 days and it's already keeping me up at night. I've had some red spotting--the scary kind they tell you you don't want to see--so I'm having an early ultra sound in the morning. I'll only be 5 weeks, so there isn't much they'll be able to tell me. Just that my little poppy is still in there and safe. Or maybe that poppy has a friend in there. Wouldn't that be something?

Twins is a bit of a stretch for a girl with one good fallopian tube and an ovary that doesn't like to ovulate, but my numbers have been reasonably good, so doc says there's a chance. Hmmmm....maybe the blood was the two of them duking it out for the best view. Or if there's only one, maybe poppy was just haning up some pictures and curtains to settle in for the long haul.

I'm not really in the mood to blog. I'm just scared. I want my poppy(ies) to be OK. Please pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*big hugs* I hope everything went well with the u/s! My thoughts are with you and the poppy (so cute!), I wish I was around to give you a big hug in person!!!!