Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm baack...

Hope you all missed me. You should have. If nothing else, I'm entertaining. And modest.

Here is a quick run down of what's been going on:
Nothing scary!

Our little Poppy seems to be just as healthy as possible. On October 15th, we had what's called a Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound. Basically they measure the space under the baby's neck and combine that measurement with some factors found in your blood to determine the risk for Down's Syndrome and other major chromosomal defects. The lowest risk is 1 in 10,000. At my age, the average risk is just over 1 in 300.
Ours is 1 in 10,000. That, combined with all the ultrasounds we've had showing no concerns mean that the odds are very, very good that our wonderful little Poppy is healthy.

Praise the Lord.

Also, I was able to get a "probable" diagnosis for all of the spotting I had. A "friable cervix". Sounds fancy, huh? It's not. It's actually quite dull. Pregnancy increases the amount of blood flow in your body...and it increases it everywhere. Even your cervix. And my cervix was just superfly sensitive. Since I had to use progesterone suppositories, I was irritating it every night. After all of that, I got the most boring diagnosis ever.

Does it sound like I'm complaining about that? I'm not. Not at all. When it comes to pregnancy, I feel like boring is better. Bring on the boring. I'm alllll about the boring.

Oh, except for when it comes to my little Poppy. This little baby is just about the most exciting thing ever. He/She is a tiny dancer. Every time we see her on the ultrasound screen, she'd just dancing up a storm. I hope she has better moves than her mom does. Either that or I hope she's a he so it won't matter. (Other things I hope Poppy doesn't inherit from me: procrastination, small feet, slow metabolism coupled with a love for food and loathing of exercise, hair that won't hold a curl (if it's a girl), stubby fingers. Poor Poppy. Saddled with me as a mother. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Screw the college fund. I'm starting a therapy fund.)

At our last major ultrasound, Poppy was very naughty and wouldn't get into the right position for measurements. We tried everything. Shaking my belly. Wiggling my hips. Poking my belly with the ultrasound wand. Moving the table around. Everything. Poppy was not having it. He was, however, happy to wave at us. I think he was mocking us. "Hi mom, hi dad! I know you want me to move....I'm not up for it right now.... but Hi!"

In just over 2 weeks, we'll have our "big ultrasound". This one make sure all the internal organs are developing correctly. And can usually determine the sex. Seriously, I cannot wait. Is it a boy Poppy or a girl Poppy. I must know. I can't wait. And I'm sure that our little problem child won't give up the goods. Just because I want to know so badly. Man I love this kid. I would expect nothing else.

Oh, and we moved. LOL It seems almost anti-climatic at this point. But we are in our house now. Which, honestly, makes me feel very grown up and a little old. And yet excited at the same time. I love our little house.

So that's us in a nutshell. I will be back to witty criticisms and observations of life soon. I just wanted to update everyone after the weeks of worry!


tucker100 said...

Yeah! Do the Happy Dance.

Everyone seems to be doing better and your mood is much improved. I am glad that they figured out the cause of the spotting and that "Poppy" is doing well.

I am waiting for belly pictures. Those should be posted soon, right?

So now that you have settled into your home have you started on "Poppy's" room?

Keep us posted even if you are having a bad day. I am sure that someone can find a stupid joke to tell that will make you laugh.

mesa said...

yay yay and yay! 2 weeks.. I'll be right here waiting to hear!

Gphigirl said...

FINALLY! You had me worried for a little while! I'm so glad everything is going so well, and I want a text after your big US! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Finally! I was about to delete you from my "daily checks".

Glad everything is well and I giggle at the fact that poppy is a little f*cker already!! Naughy little baby...

welcome back!