Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where'd it go?

Please note, the name poll has been removed.

Drumroll please....

Andrew James H will be making his appearance sometime this spring. We'll call him AJ.

Please don't send monogrammed sheets, though. I reserve the right to decide in the delivery room that he's really a Tom. Or a Josh. Or a Ben. Or one of a thousand other names we haven't even considered.

But for right now, we love his name. And I think so does he. I was actually worried he was going to try to come out and use it last night. Yikes! I had multiple contractions in a row and we were on standby to head to labor and delivery. I had 4 in about 20 minutes. One more and I'd be off. Thank goodness the little man decided to settle down and I made it through the night uneventfully. But that was scary!

Little AJ needs to stay put for at least another 10 weeks. I'd be scared if he makes his debut at 34 weeks, but I know he'd be OK. So let's keep it to a dull roar in there, OK little man?

1 comment:

tucker100 said...

Loving the name and sounds like your little man is excited about it as well. Settle him down though babies are great but let him hang out a while longer.