Monday, December 22, 2008

Mom suggets a name

My mother called me to suggest a baby name.
My father's name.

Very interesting. And to suggest my mother and father don't get along is a vast understatement. It would be less of an understatement to suggest that Hitler was a touch cranky and vaguely homicidal.

I'd have suggested the name myself, but I was truly afraid of how my mother would react. I didn't want her to think of my father EVERY time she said my son's name. And all that would come with.

My father and I have a bit of a checkered past. But it's just that: the past. So I'm not even going to get into it. Our bad history was a very brief period of my life and otherwise, I have the most wonderful memories of my father. And since becoming a "real" grown up (you know, out of college, career, etc), my father and I have patched our differences and are very close. I always thought naming my child after him would be a very touching way to honor my father and really, once and for all, put our bad chapter behind us. But how could I do that when I know how my mother feels about him? Who would that hurt more? My mother or my son? It was a no-win situation for me. I suggested my father's middle name as a middle name. It's a family name and one my mother respects. So that would probably have been OK. But the HG is not a fan. And in all fairness, it's not a great name. But it was a compromise. Ultimately, we bagged the idea altogether and settled on a different name. We thought. (Hey, I'm prone to changing my mind and we don't want a bunch of personalized stuff if this kid is going to get a last minute name change in the delivery room.)

Then mom called.
And now I'm torn. Because as much as I love the idea of naming my son after my father, we were really quite set on our other name. I realize we still have a few months to make this decision, but I have grown quite attached to calling my son by his (potential) first name. So what to do? We don't know that we'll have more children. Or even more sons for that matter! We can't very well just "save" one for next time. And we love both names.

So, I'm putting it to vote. Not that we'll absolutely go with the winning name. But hey, it might help us figure it out.
Either that or we'll change our minds completely and name this kid Dweezel in the delivery room.
Hey, it could happen. Epidurals are crazy things.


Jen said...

I think that you should look at your DS and make the final decision.

If DH would have agreed, DS would have my dad's middle name. I conceided in that if it were a girl, I got to name her after my grandmother and if he was a boy, he got named after DH's grandfather. His middle name is Glen.

Anonymous said...

I say: Andrew Joseph. Hubby says Andrew Joseph Wesley. He likes long names, apparently. :o) I'm still waiting on that address, woman. You card will NEVER make it by Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Just my thought - but I think you should go with a first name that you and DH agree on - and you can use your dad's name as the middle name if you like (or have two middle names - why not?!) That way you can have a nice tribute, but still call him by the name you chose. Good luck - and remember you will love him with whatever name he ends up with!