Monday, March 2, 2009

Well, it's offical.

I'm a cluttered mess.
Murpy says so.

And my mother emailed me and "suggested" I hire a maid before the little man arrives. I asked if that was her nice way of saying my house is a mess. She said no, just that I clearly have a lot to be before he gets here and I have a lot on my plate and since I'm so tired........
Is it me or does that sound like mom-speak for you're a hot mess?

Ok, so I'm a hot mess. Fine. I will not go down like that. So I ran to The Walmart (for the record, you have to call it "the walmart". It's more fun. The HG and I actually call it the "W'art". There is a long, quite dull story behind this. But we find ourselves amusing. Nobody else ever really does. We're fine with that. I'm quite certain we'd both be single forever had we never met. We're also fine with that. I'm on quite the parenthetical tangent, aren't I? At some point I thought, "hey, I should just delete the parentheses and start a new paragraph." But I find this more amusing for some reason.) Any.way.

I ran to The Walmart (this is like having "the diabeetus") to get some plastic organizing type baskets for my linen closet. And I am now the proud owner of a very well organized linen closet. I organized all of our over the counter drugs by type: painkillers, tummy stuff, etc and put them all in one basket. Put all the first aid stuff in another. All the beauty supplies in a third. While I was at it, I tossed all the extra lotions, body sprays, and perfumes (um, do I smell? People seem to like to give me this stuff....are they trying to tell me something?) I had kicking around. I also tossed any expired medicines and all that jazz. Amazingly, after I did that, I had plenty of room to add 2 more baskets--one for baby wash clothes and towels, the other for baby bath supplies and lotions and such. This is fantastic because I was actually laying in bed last night tyring to figure out where to store all the baby bath supplies. Problem solved! Huh. It's funny what a little organization will do for you.

I also did all the laundry in the house, which included all the wet, cloth outdoor clothes the HG had to wear TWICE today to clear out all the snow. Yeah. Snow. It's March 2nd and we are once again buried in over a foot of snow. Sigh.

Well, this installment of my life will be cut short. I have to lay on my side. Thanks to too many contractions, I'm ordered to rest on my side after work from now on. And I can't type very well on my side. Good times.

So much for nesting.

1 comment:

Gphigirl said...

LOL! I'm trying to organize as I put stuff away at the new place. Unfortunately, I hate it's slow going. :o)